
"My authenticity comes from rising above adversity through love and respect. No life is perfect and it is limiting to take inventory of the disappointments. The surest way to our peace and happiness is to honor all the things that we are grateful for. True empowerment comes from finding our own light so we can pay it forward by passing it onto others."

- Bui Simon, Philanthropist

"I serve by teaching people the power of a deep breath, and just being in silence."

- Mallika Chopra, Author & Motivational Speaker

"I believe in standing firmly in my power and remain humbled by the shoulders of those I stand on. I strive for balance, intention and for the greater good of community." 
- Amelia Williamson, Strategist

"It was a simplistic lifestyle based on love, family values and hard-work. I eventually found myself living in Los Angeles with a creative career in hair and makeup in Beverly Hills. This led to another creative path of vintage textiles and interior design. I now operate a vintage accessory design company and I believe it’s success is based on the combination of these two worlds.  It honed my ability to see and design in a low & high mix that is ultimately both my personal as well my business signature style."
- Debra Hall, Curator of Vintage Home Decor and Design

"I have always been bold - from my opinions to my hair cuts, challenging the status quo was never a problem. But a few years ago, I realized I had lost my kindness as a coping mechanism to navigating a growing career in corporate America. I now lead with kindness first and foremost. Kindness itself can be a bold action these days. And kindness in corporate women is especially bold. But I am proving everyday that my kindness does not negate my boldness."
- Megan Bloomer, Vice President, Sustainability

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